Thursday, January 31, 2008

Never Too Many Books

One of my friends once told me that coming to my house is like coming to a library. There are books everywhere you look. It's true. We have bookshelves in many different rooms -- all jam-packed with a variety of titles. I have a pile of books on my bedside table. A decorative box next to my bed is becoming fuller by the minute, it seems, with photography books, manuals and magazines. I truly believe you can never have too many books. Ahhh, so many books... so little time. That's how I feel sometimes! My photo today shows some of the books in my house -- and it has a lot of vertical and horizontal in it, too. The first shot is SOOC. On the second, I ran a couple of actions and put a border.

Thanks for looking!


Chell said...

Love them. You are right you can never have too many books, well at least not till you have to move and pack them all up..

Jess said...

I totally agree- there's NO such thing as too many books!

I really like the effect on the 2nd one- very vintage!

Mom2Drew said...

I like your conversion. My DH would droll over this post.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome...I really like the look of the first one!

HeyLady said...

I like these shots. It is like a library.


Amy said...

I love to read and spend many an hour at the library. I love both of these, but the color is my favorite.

~JustJulie~ said...

Very cool vertical v. horizontal! Love the vintage-y look of the conversion one, too.

Danielle said...

Looks like my house. I noticed you had the goose girl there. I loved that series and really enjoyed shannon hale. Have you read Austinland. If not great read if you like Jane Austin.

Sharon said...

Books are wonderful! I love the PP on the second. Really makes it look like a worn and cared for library.

Mandy said...

I wish I could make them bigger to see all of your titles. I am so nosey when I go to people's homes and they have a lot of books because I think it really says something about them, don't you? That they are really getting the most of their reading ability. Lately all I read is stuff for school, and let me tell CAN have too many of those books. Hahaha

Really great take on theme. I love the black and white one.

Unknown said...

I love the second... and also love to read. Nice capture.

Jen said...

You're right... never too many books! I'm a book-a-holic! Nice!

pat said...

Oh, this looks like my idea of heaven! NOTHING better than a good book, and from the looks of these, they are well-read. I prefer the color shot; it emphasizes the diversity of the books.

For Over 29 Years... said...

Great shot and PP. I can totally relate on the books!

Becky said...

I like the look of both of these. I'm with you on the books. In fact, there is a book titled "So Many Books So Little Time" that is on my long list of books to read.

Michelle said...

love the colors in that first pic. and how wonderful to have so much info at your fingertips! i, too, am a book better place to learn!

Anonymous said...

For a second there I thought you had taken pictures of my book shelves. I to am like you and can read anything and am always reading, which in turn gives way to kids who are always reading thats a good thing right

Val said...

Great shot! I love books too. I kind of hoard them, for some reason

Ginnie said...

Really nice conversion! it gives a nice feel to the image.

mel said...

love the conversion, very fitting!

Angela2932 said...

And I completely agree also, never too many books. But yours look so nice and organized! I love the conversion!

Tera Fraley said...

Ohh I want to come to your house!! I clean mine out every so often becuase I dont find myself going back to read them! Great job on the second one!

Tori said...

i agree... you can never have too many books!

mamawest777 said...

Love the conversion! It would appear our families share the same reading tastes!!