Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Gotta Run!

Exercise has always been an important part of my day, but it was just a few years ago that I decided to take up running. My son and I have enjoyed doing this together. Now that he's almost 15, he's waaaaayyyy faster than me, but it's fun to see him cheering me on when I reach the finish line at the 5K races several minutes after him.:) My take on the shape theme is a representation of how I try to stay in shape -- by lacing up these babies and going for a run. (Usually on the treadmill this time of year). And as you can see, these shoes are not in the best shape. Time to invest in some new shoes. But who wants to spend money on running shoes when there is so much fun camera equipment to buy?:)

And here's something completely off topic.... but as I may have mentioned before, I'm a freelance writer. I'm currently writing an article about sleep -- particularly how to get your baby to sleep through the night.I know a lot of you currently have little ones, and I'd love to quote you in my article about things that have worked for you or frustrations you may be experiencing in that area. If you'd let me send you a couple of questions to answer, I'd really appreciate it. I was just assigned the article today and the editor wants it done by Monday morning. Kind of a rush! Anyway, e-mail me at if you would be willing to comment on this. Thanks!


Unknown said...

Nice photo. Walking is good. Running..NO.

Ginnie said...

I'm not a huge fan of running, I wish I was!

I'm gonna email you.

HeyLady said...

Those shoes are posed in a way that makes me think they should have feet in them. They look like they're about to take off running.

It's time for me to get in shape - I'm working on it.

cherie said...

great shot !!! and good for you way to go !

Stacey said...

Very cool

Chell said...

I wish I could get back to exercising in general. Love the shot of your runnign shoes..

Unknown said...

I think its great that you run with your ds. Very inspiring. Toni

Jeanette said...

I used to be a runner. I love the shoes!

Debbi said...

Great photo! I have also also been an avid exerciser but jut started running a couple of years ago. I love it (well, somedays I don't LOVE it, but I do feel better once I'm done! :) ). Good for you! I'm anxious to get back outdoors - the treadmill gets very boring for me. Does it for you?

Amy said...

I really like the way you positioned the shoes for the photo, very nice! I wish I enjoyed running or even exercise!

For Over 29 Years... said...

Ugh, wish I liked running. Both my parents ran in marathons. Can't do it. Sent you an email though!

periwinkle eye images said...

Great idea for the theme! I was thinking along the same lines: of posting a photo of myself called "OUT of shape!" but held off because that would be too embarrassing. ML

Anonymous said...

Cute title to go with a neat shot.

Reds said...

How great of you to run with your son! Wish I had the stamina to run... ;)

Mom2Drew said...

My goal is to run a half marathon in October, so thanks for this inspiration. Those are just well loved tennies:)

Mandy said...

That is awesome Margaret. I love to hear about fellow runners, because I find so much inspiration from hearing about other people's experiences. I am a runner too. I actually just started less than a year ago running seriously. I just love the way it makes me feel.

mamawest777 said...

great job!!!

Jodi said...

I don't have a lot of advice but lots of mistakes to share about getting kids to sleep through the night!!
I finally just got my 20-month old to sleep through the night a few weeks ago!

pat said...

MEg, more power to you for running!! And, the fact that the shoes are worn tell the story. THink how sad it would be if you'd had them that long and they still were in good condition!

Becky said...

I admire runners--even when I'm in good shape I am never a runner. I can walk for miles though! I hate buying new sneakers too because you never know if they're going to be comfortable. I love the shot of the sneakers and the processing you did.

Sara said...

So not the runner, but I like your take on the theme.
I sent you an email, but it went through an account I don't use (don't know why).
You can reach me at

Good luck with your deadline.

pakosta said...

i used to run 3 miles a day, i need to get back into it and try to work up to 6! that's my goal!
and about the sleep, i am the wrong person to ask , mine just started sleeping thru the night at 6 and 8 years old LOL>>>>>they were in my bed usually!

Shawna said...

Good for you! I wish I was a runner, it's such a mental battle with me! I would love to read your sleep article when it is complete! Very interesting!

Angela2932 said...

I love the way you framed the photo by fading the edges. Very nice. With my first child, patting him helped him go to sleep. With my 2nd child, my husband would pat him, but it was disturbing his sleep. Finally, I threatened my husband's life if he crossed my side of the bed before 5 minutes went by, when child no 2 woke up, and our son would fall back to sleep. Child #3 would let out a blood curdling scream when she was tired. . . and then promptly fall asleep before we could try any of our "efforts" on her. We finally learned that we were just along for the ride!

Tera Fraley said...

Great photo, and it counts... need to do it to stay in SHAPE!!LOL!