Saturday, March 22, 2008

Georgia On His Mind

Thank you so much for all your sweet comments on my blog yesterday in response to what I wrote about missing my mom. I appreciate your thoughtfulness so much.

My brother recently took a job in Georgia. He flew out there today to start work on Monday. He has a Ph.D. in neuroscience and does drug discovery research. (Yeah, he got the brains in the family!) Anyway.... last night we got together for dessert and to tell him goodbye. We all met up at a hotel where my sister and her family were spending the night to celebrate her birthday, which is tomorrow.

My brother, Lance, his daughter, Patricia, son-in-law, Jon and wife Sue Zan. They even color-coordinated for the picture...not even on purpose!

My sister Jan (left), brother and me (right). My siblings mean the world to me! We've been through a lot together. I don't know what I would do without them. Note to self: Dress up a little more next time you know you're going to be in a photo!

My brother and his wife with some of the nieces and nephews. My oldest son is missing from the picture, as are four of my sister's kids.

Aunt Sue Zan and the girls. We got a nice smile out of them when we said, "Say y'all!"

Can you tell Lance has a great sense of humor that's contagious to everyone around him?

Lance doesn't actually play the piano, but he wanted to pretend like he did. You just can't take him anywhere!


Anonymous said...

These are can feel the love!

Joanne Fowler said...

What great memories you have captured here! These are so wonderful!

Jason said...

Looks like a great time, it is always fun to have someone in the family be the "joker" nice shots!

For Over 29 Years... said...

TFS, what a wonderful family time.

Jess said...

These are so great- what wonderful family shots! I love that last shot with his reflection in the piano... I couldn't help but giggle that he can't actually play! LOL!

Becky said...

How nice to see you and your family. Hope you still get to see him often even when he's in Georgia.

Michelle said...

what great family shots you got of all. so nice to have them.

pat said...

What a great family! The love and enjoyment in each other's company is almost tangible. I love these photos--such a great slice of life.

Trisha D said...

Great family photos! Love the last 2...his personality really shines in these photos

Suzy said...

Congrats to your brother! Great capture!

Amy said...

He sounds like a great guy and I'm so happy to see you and your siblings are so close. My sisters and I are really close and it breaks my heart that some of my friends don't get along with theirs. I just don't understand it because that one of the most awesome bonds...they have so much history with you. Anyway, great shots, I really enjoyed seeing them all. :)

Angelica said...

You have a lovely, fun family! I love all your photos!

Sharon said...

What a fun send off!

Donnah Ciempka said...

Wow what a lovely set of images.

Ashley Hiskes said...

These are wonderful pictures. I hope and pray my kids are close as they get older.

Val said...

Nice family shots! Love that reflection on the piano

Mandy said...

I love all of the family shots. SO great! And the last one is awesome too. Its so neat that you can see his reflection on the piano.

--sme said...

What wonderful family photos. I love the one of your brother "playing" piano! ;)

Chell said...

Fun family shots. TFS

Amy said...

Love how everyone is "arranged" for each shot. Whether it was done purposely or not (and I'm guessing it was), it adds interest. I love the one of everyone laughing together.

April said...

those are great shots..i love the last 2..looks like he's so much fun.