Sunday, March 9, 2008

Little Red Corvette

One of our neighbors, apparently going through a mid-life crisis :) bought himself a brand-new, shiny, red Corvette this week. He came over to give my husband and boys a ride. Let me tell you, this was a dream-come-true for the guys in our household. To say they love cars is an understatement. Nate, my oldest, has been in love with cars and machines since Day 1, I think. When he was 2, he knew practically all the names of every car he saw, and would tell me, "There's a Honda Accord... That's a Jeep Wrangler..., etc." It was quite a hoot. I was excited to be able to take some shots of such a fine automobile. The sun was right overhead, so they didn't turn out too great, but still kind of fun anyway.:)


Anonymous said...

Love these shots...your guys must have had a blast!!!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't that be a great car to go with his new permit. JK. Cool car You can see your son loved it. My guys love all kinds of cars to.

Angela2932 said...

I like the grin in the last photo. Ah, yes, . . boys and their toys. . .

Jason said...

Nice shots! What a fun time....

Reds said...

Men in their toys!!! That's a really nice car! I can understand why your boys were so happy!!

Becky said...

How fun! The third one is my favorite. And now the song is running through my head!

Shanna Jones said...

Great shots...Cool car too. :)

For Over 29 Years... said...

How fun, love how you included the fun expressions on your son along with the car shots.

Mandy said...

Oh my. That is nice. I can't even drive one of those things because I can't reach the pedals. How funny is that. I mean, I know I was short, but I didn't know I was THAT short.

pakosta said...

so NICE!

Shawna said...

What a perty car!! Great shots!

April said...

man..that is a NICE car..i wish i had one. heck i wish i just had any new car. those are some great shots you got.

Tera Fraley said...

Love this, it looks so shiny and new!! Looks like a great car!!

Tasha said...

I have a car lover as well, but he just knows if they are Hot Wheels or not ;). Did you convert some of them The colors look funky (in a good way) I like them!

Bobbi said...

What he didn't let your son drive, he has his permit now ;) Great shots, thats a beautiful car.

Ginnie said...

So cool! Now you have me singing prince... Little red corvette....

Sharon said...

Great shots! I am so glad you included one from under the hood. ;)

Amy said...

Great shots, my favorites are the third and fifth ones!