Sunrise, Sunset
Actually, just a sunset! I need to be an earlier riser to get shots of the sunrise, I guess. I took these from the middle of the street in front of my house last night. Don't worry. I looked both ways before heading out into the street. And anyway, according to my son, we live on the most boring street in the United States of America. (That's a line he borrowed from Home Alone).
Thanks for looking.
that's gorgeous..too bad i missed that sunset last night.
These are is actually snow sunsets!
Just gorgeous!! Lovely colors.
That is just beautiful... kids.. uhh! lol.
beautiful. love the colors that you got here.
I love sunset shots with trees in the foreground! Beautiful shots, I especially like the 2nd one!
these are wonderful such great color. Tell your son he could always move to our street a car might pass through here every week or so.
I love the 2nd one! The streaks of light in the sky are beautiful!
Beautiful sunset, Meg. You could have said it was a sunrise and I wouldn't have known, and I'd have been impressed with your early rising. :-) You could stand on my street for hours without getting hit.
Yeah, I'm not a morning person either! LOL! But these are absolutely STUNNING sunsets!
Beautiful! I really want to be able to take beautiful sunsets. And sunrises.
Oooooh these are beautiful! Good job on watching for cars, too!
Oh my goodness!! That second shot blew my socks off--all that gorgeous color and motion in the sky, and those wonderfully contorted trees I'd love some sunsets around here. We just go from grey clouds to dark...although it did snow last night.
The glow almost looks like fire. Beautiful colors!
That second one looks like fire, wow!
i would love to live on that street! these are gorgeous!
The second one is really cool.
These are SO gorgeous. I love all of the colors you have captured here. Really superb!
That is great, I love sky shots. The really neat part is that there is no other shot just like it! Great job.
Beautiful sunset!!!
Looks like fire! Beautiful!
oooo, very nice.
i really really LOVE the first one!!!
i miss seeing sunsets on the beach by my parent's house on Lake Superior>>>
gorgeous! they are beautiful!
That is so pretty and I love the silhouettes of the trees!
That warm and cool light together is great! Ooh, spring sunsets just tickle me!
Want to know something funny, growing up my mother always used to sing that song...but her version went like this:
"sunrise, sunset...pregnant? You bet!" LOL, I still hear that song whenever I see those words
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