Monday, April 21, 2008

Playing Catch Up

I haven't blogged in a few days. Life's been busy. Parker had a track meet last week. He came in third place in the 1600-meter race (that's a mile in American terms) with a time of 5:18. That's about my half-mile time:) He also ran the 800-meter leg of the medley relay and the anchor leg of the 4x400m relay. His team won the 4x400! Yeah! Here are some shots from the track meet.

This first one is a perfect representation of the look a 15-year-old gives his mother when she aims her obnoxious telephoto lens at him in public.

Here are some other shots from the meet.

Here's a shot from when Alex received his Bobcat award at Cub Scout Pack Meeting on Thursday night. And.... In other interesting developments, I have been asked to serve as Alex's den leader. Go Wolves! Guess I need to go buy one of those really attractive yellow scout leader shirts now! Woo hoo!

Mallory's been sick. I took her to the doctor on Friday. She's been complaining of a headache and sick stomach for several days. The doctor was pretty certain she had strep, but the lab results came back negative. Mallory missed three days of school last week. She went back today, but still didn't feel that great when she left this morning. But, she hasn't called for me to come pick her that's a good thing, right?

Nate finishes his finals at BYU today! I can't believe how quickly this school year went by. It truly seems just like yesterday I was sobbing my eyes out when we dropped him off at his dorm! Now, he's going to come home, look for a job and will soon turn in his papers for his mission. He'll be 19 in August, so he'll probably leave sometime the end of August we're guessing. (Yeah, get ready to see me sob my eyes out again!) Seriously, I can't believe he's finished his first year of college. It seems like it hasn't been that long since Derek and I were students at BYU. Incredible!


Mom2Drew said...

The first one is too typical, love it! What fun. Oh, and my brother was heavy in boy scouts/cub scouts, so i think that's terrific you're going to be a den mom. I'm thinking I'll end up there too someday.

lcp said...

Life is keeping you busy, huh! I've been a den leader the past 2 years and it is pretty fun! My son will be a bear next goes by fast! Love the expression in the first one!

Becky said...

Your comment about the yellow shirt reminds me of the year DH was a den leader. Oh, I was MERCILESS with him about that shirt. Ha ha. Thanks for the great memory. Love hearing all about and seeing what your family is doing. Hope Mallory is feeling better soon. And congrats to the boys!

C said...

Congrats to your son with track and too you as well. So fun to be involved with your childrens life like this :) Hope your DD is getting better too.
Great shots! Your son def has the long legs for running!

Bobbi said...

That first shot is great, I can't wait to get those in 10 years ;) That is so fun you get to be a den mom!

Michelle said...

congrats on the track time! i love having runners in the family-so much fun to cheer them on.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Parker. Don't forget to post photos of you in that great yellow shirt.

Chell said...

yep we missed you. Fun track shots. Good to see you back..

pat said...

That first shot is a stitch! Is it a genetic thing on the Y chromosomes that most males pull expressions like that? Sounds like you've been really busy; you WERE missed!!

Amy said...

Great shots, he's quite the athlete! That first one is so funny!

Unknown said...

I hear ya sista! We have been swamped as well.... Dont feel pressure to blog, if you do, you will hate it! We always miss you and love seeing your work! My l ittle one brought home a cubscouts paper last night... said can i do this mommy? It was so cute.

Val said...

great shots!

Jen said...

Great track pictures! Congrats ont he award and selection as den mother... you'll look lovely in yellow! LOL!

WTG on the finals! Time does fly by! It's incredible!

Shawna said...

Love the first one, such a typical teenage expression!! Great track photos too!

Jess said...

GREAT action shots! His expression is #1 is SO typical! Congrats on being den leader, that will be fun! I hope Mallory feels better... I totally sympathize with her right now!

Kristen Wagner Penn said...

Those are so much fun! I hope your DD feels better soon.

Tori said...

my word... a FIVE minute mile?! I don't think I could've ever done that. These are great pics.... thanks for sharing!

Krista P said...

Can't wait to see a shot of you in the snazzy yellow shirt!

Great action shots!

Sharon said...

Nice captures! What great memories.