I got together with some photography friends last night. Brooke brought along her sister Whitney and Whitney's groom-to-be Shane to pose for us. They're getting married this Saturday. It was great fun working with them and with all the other photogs. I took so many shots and haven't edited all of them, but here are a few of my favorites so far!
Thanks again, Brooke, Whitney and Shane! I had a blast!
Oh I love these, how fun to be able to do weddign type pics without the pressure associated with weddings. I so hope we can get together while I am in utah and go on a shoot!!
These are so great-and I am. in. LOVE with the 3rd one!! Comp, pp'ing, the whole feel of it-awesome. I'd have that one up HUGE in my house if that were me and DH. Wow.
Great wedding pictures! I wish you were doing photography when I got married, you do such a great job. It was so fun seeing you guys the other night at the concert - don't worry about the camera. I'm going to try to take it to Allen's or Inkley's to see if they can fix it. We still got the picture and the memory card is fine, so that's what matters, the camera can be replaced! I also wanted to see if you could take our family pictures sometime this summer. I'm not sure if Rob and his family can come down now, but I would really like to have my family pictures done, so let me know your schedule! wenkhoughton@gmail.com thanks so much, talk to you soon!
Oooh, these are really fun! I love the shot and angle with the temple in the background--really nice!
These are awesome Margaret! Simply Beautiful!!
Cool!! I love how they turned out! I love your pp'ing too! Gorgeous!
I can't choose a favorite! But I guess I would have to say #3 and the bouquet one. I have such a thing for feet!
Those are so sassy! I love the sunflare one!
good job margaret!! i love them all. I cant wait until august! it will be so much fun working with you again. Love all the pictures
These are great!
Wow these all look great! It looks like you guys had such fun. I love the one with their feet (#3 i think).
Very nice shots. I bet they will be so excited to see how they are turning out. ~Jackie
LOVE the sunburst the best!
These are gorgeous!
These are so great, Margaret! I love love love that 2nd one! She is just too cute! Great job as usual!
oh man... I gasped for air when i saw the seventh one down.. i LOVE it!!! You did amazing with these pics... they are all so cute!
These are all really beautiful, fun shots.
Looks like you guys had a great time.
Wow! Those are great! I love your composition and PP - so creative.
WOW stunning shots love them all
Oh I love these, how fun to be able to do weddign type pics without the pressure associated with weddings. I so hope we can get together while I am in utah and go on a shoot!!
Wow!!! These are all so beautiful!! Love the feet shot especially!!
These are so great-and I am. in. LOVE with the 3rd one!! Comp, pp'ing, the whole feel of it-awesome. I'd have that one up HUGE in my house if that were me and DH. Wow.
Beautiful photos!! I love the location and your processing!
These are DELICIOUS. I love every single one. WOW...Love the light, the fun posing, and the amazing couple. Great work.
Oh, I love this couple! They look so into one another - and you captured their love so wonderfully!
Beautiful dress and gorgeous shots! I love your processing, compositions, and POV.
These are so gorgeous. I am a sucker for a headless shot so I adore that third one.
These are beautiful. I am so jealous I didn't get to come.
These are beautiful, I love all of the poses! I bet they'll be thrilled! I think the sunburst shot is my fave, so cute with her shoes off too. :)
I am so jealous! how fun, I wish I lived closer :(
Great wedding pictures! I wish you were doing photography when I got married, you do such a great job. It was so fun seeing you guys the other night at the concert - don't worry about the camera. I'm going to try to take it to Allen's or Inkley's to see if they can fix it. We still got the picture and the memory card is fine, so that's what matters, the camera can be replaced! I also wanted to see if you could take our family pictures sometime this summer. I'm not sure if Rob and his family can come down now, but I would really like to have my family pictures done, so let me know your schedule! wenkhoughton@gmail.com thanks so much, talk to you soon!
Awesome pix Margaret, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the sepia tone one! It was so nice to meet all of you! I can't wait for the next adventure! :)
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