We left June 5 on the overnight flight from Salt Lake to New York. We arrived in New York on the morning of the 6th -- exhausted, but excited. Luckily, we were able to check into our hotel early. We went to breakfast, then came back and slept for a few hours.
After that, we hoppped on the subway over to Wall Street and the World Trade Center Site.
Here are a few shots from our first impressions of New York. More to come....many more to come....over the next few days.
What a fabulous vacation! I would LOVE to go back someday!

Here's the first shot I took when we got there. We rode a bus from JFK to Grand Central, and then were waiting here for a shuttle that took us to our hotel. We looked like true tourists, craning our necks up at all the tall buildings!
See whatI mean? Here's Derek the tourist!
As we were walking around the Wall Street area, we came across the Trinity Church and hoped to be able to find some treasure underneath, just like in National Treasure, but it was all locked up, so we just had to look at the outside.

The old cemetery by Trinity Church was so picturesque. It's amazing how old some of those headstones are.
Parker looks so small next to those tall buildings.
Our visit to the World Trade Center site made me quite emotional. It's hard to imagine the devastation, the chaos and the people running for their lives on that terrible day. Truly unbelievable.
Work on a memorial is ongoing. It's hard to get a very good view of the site because of all the fencing surrounding it.
This is a fire station right across the street from the World Trade Center site. I'm sure many men who worked there lost their lives on September 11, 2001. I don't know if this station is still in use or if this is how it looked on September 11. It really brings a human face to the whole thing when you see those firefighters' uniforms hanging there and those boots strewn across the floor.
It was a sobering experience for our family to be up close and personal with things that before then we had only seen on the news.
i cant wait to see the rest of your pictures!
Neat! I love that last picture. We didn't even know you could go see the fire station. I am sad we missed out.
These are great shots! I would love to visit NY some day. Thanks for sharing!
You know...you perspective on these is really amazing Margaret. WOW. I just love them. I have never been there either...and I just live in Maine so its not like its far away. maybe this summer! Thank you SO much for sharing these...
Great captures of your vacation!
We went to New York City for our honeymoon and it was only six months after 9/11. It was very sobering!!
I really enjoy seeing the shots of the WTC, and especially the fire station. What a powerful set of photos. Can't wait to see more of your trip!!
Great captures! Can't wait to see more from your trip!
Such a bummer that Trinity was locked up--it is so beautiful inside! I'll have to get around to finishing up processing my NYC shots (from April, yikes!)and see if I got any good ones of the interior.
Oh how awesome! I love all your pics- and so glad you had such a great time!
Fantastic shots. Took a trip to New York City with my daughter and some other students in March - awesome place to use up a camera memory card (or two). Nicely done!
Great shots! I'd love to go there. I'd be looking up the whole time, too!
I so love New York and I so love your photos of New York!!! Can't wait to see more!
The last photo is so moving! The shoes must be for "readiness" but given 9/11, they're haunting.
Wow. These are amazing... stunning... heartbreaking. I will GLADLY look at all 500 photos if you'll post them! ;)
I hope you post lots of the photos you took, I LOVE seeing NYC! My sis lives there and I've visited a few times recently, so I'm recognizing places you photographed. :)
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