Sunday, January 24, 2010

It's a Major Award!

My friend Janae gave me this!

She wrote some very nice things about me on her blog when she gave me this award!
Thanks, Janae! You're the best!
Janae is one of my favorite people ever. We got to be friends a few years ago, thanks to photography. I've had the privilege of doing her family pictures for her, as well as taking pictures of her baby Traveller in the hospital not long after he was born. Janae has a great sense of humor and is always a blast to hang around -- with cameras or without. I've met so many great people through photography and am so grateful to Janae and my other fellow camera nerd friends. :) Love you all!

Now I'm supposed to answer the following questions....using one word....or so....

1. Where is your cell phone? Purse
2. Your hair? Messy
3. Your mother? Heaven
4. Your father? Heaven
5. Your favorite food? Salmon
6. Your dream last night? Forgettable
7. Your favorite drink? Water
8. Dream/goal? Photojournalism
9. What room are you in? Family room
10. Your hobby? Photography
11. Your fear? Dark
12. Where do you want to be in six years? Bountiful
13. Where we you last night? Home
14. Something you aren't? Organized
15. Muffins? Chocolate
16. Wish list item?  Lens
17. Where did you grow up? Brigham City
18. Last thing you did? Eat
19. What are you wearing? Skirt
20. TV? Jeopardy
21. Pets? No
22. Friends? Awesome!
23. Life? Hooray!
24. Mood? Cheerful
25. Missing someone? Nate
26. Vehicle? Suburban
27. Something you're not wearing? Earrings
28. Favorite store? Costco
29. Favorite color? BYU Blue!
30. When's the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Recently
32. Best friend? Derek
33. One place that you go over and over? Costco
34. One person who e-mails me regularly? Nate
35. Favorite place to eat? Pei Wei

Now I'm supposed to award this to two other bloggers. So hard to choose, but I'm going to say:

Tracy (whose blog is private...sorry to those who aren't her blog friends already!) She is one of my amazing photographer friends. She has the greatest sense of humor and always knows the right thing to say. She makes me laugh and is always fun to be with. She's also a fabulous photographer. I love her blog because she shares such funny, real-life stories about her cute family. Always brings a smile to my face. Thanks, Tracy!!!

And next, it has to be my nephew's wife Kate . Kate is a busy young mom of two little ones, but still always finds time to do creative, fun projects around her house. I always love reading her blog to see what she's up to now! You're awesome, Kate!

Now, Tracy and Kate, you get to answer the questions and spread the love around.


Tracy said...

You are so sweet! I better get busy!

Kate said...

Thanks, Margaret!! I'm so excited!!